In Hot Girls Wanted, two former journalists reveal the disturbing truth behind young women in the porn industry

From the article:

“Hot Girls Wanted tells the true stories of a group of them, mostly naive small-town girls enticed by the promise of money and fame in the bright lights of Florida or California.
The reality is, of course, far less rosy: they typically last less than six months in the game, before either their parents find out, or the industry tires of them, constantly seeking “fresh meat”……

Bauer and Gradus hope the film will trigger a debate about possible changes in the law: either in labour laws, where appropriate, or possibly through forcing porn producers to get licences with strict rules.

The film is punctuated with startling onscreen facts about this type of porn, including that the websites involved garner an average of 41 million hits a month, more than many mainstream websites including CNN and”

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