What I’m watching… ‘Manhattan’ Dir. Woody Allen
Actually …. I’m watching with the sound down to once again admire the stunning black and white cinematography of Gordon Willis.
And, in watching the mise-en-scene, in the interior shots especially… you can see how much Woody Allen owes Willis in his development as a director.
Amanda […]
What I’m watching… ‘Sexual Symbolism in Religion’
I love youtube. I often have a documentary running on one screen while I work on another.
This is a brief but interesting introduction to an area that interests me immensely. Poor quality… but worth viewing while having a cup of coffee.
Amanda x
What I’m watching… ‘Persona’ Dir. Ingmar Bergman
There is the use of the close-up and then there is Bergman’s use of the close-up.
It’s almost as though he invented it.
Amazing film.