Article – Dubious New British Airways Ad Speaks Volumes About How White People See Indians

From the article by Natasha Noman on

If you’re familiar with the Broadway musical Avenue Q, you already know that “Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist.” And so, it would seem, British Airways is not exempt.

In a recent […]

Article – Pornography or erotic art? Japanese museum aims to confront shunga taboo

From the article:

Japan’s adult movie industry is among the biggest in the world, and its range of pornographic manga is eclectic and ubiquitous. But it has taken centuries-old works of art for the country to challenge official reticence towards graphic depictions of sex.

In recent weeks, tens of thousands of people have flocked to a tiny […]

The Turin Erotic Papyrus – The World’s First Men’s Magazine???


Another step back in time.

From Wikipedia:

The Turin Erotic Papyrus (Papyrus 55001, also called the Erotic Papyrus or even Turin Papyrus) is an ancient Egyptian papyrus scroll-painting that was created during the Ramesside Period, approximately in 1150 B.C. Discovered in Deir el-Medina in the early 19th century, it has been dubbed “world’s first […]

I Modi (The Ways) – A Step Back in Time

I Modi (The Ways), also known as The Sixteen Pleasures or under the Latin title De omnibus Veneris Schematibus, is a famous erotic book of the Italian Renaissance in which a series of sexual positions were explicitly depicted in engravings.

While the original edition was apparently completely destroyed by the Catholic Church, fragments of a […]

Article: Engravings of Female Genitalia May Be World’s Oldest Cave Art

From the article:

Since their discovery in 1994, the spectacular paintings of lions, rhinos, and other animals in southern France’s Chauvet Cave have stood out as the oldest known cave art, clocking in at about 37,000 years old. But there have been occasional sightings of other cave art that is equally ancient, although […]

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Amanda xx




People are suffering from a condition where they think they are on a television show

“Given our current surveillance society and our culture of instant fame, fueled by the internet and social media, the belief that you are being controlled comes in the form of the belief that you are being watched.

“When you or I are being watched, our behavior changes. But we aren’t watched all of the time. Imagine […]

Composition In Storytelling – Another excellent video by Lewis Bond

The cinema screen is just another canvas for an artist to create images. Composition is the tool that gives those images structure and purpose.

Like his other videos available on YouTube, this video is just marvelous. Please share it!

Be sure to support his efforts on Patreon!


Article: Instagram Sensation Nude Yoga Girl Explains Her Practice

From The Cut/NY Mag:

Nude Yoga Girl first appeared on Instagram less than a month ago. To a certain extent, her account is precisely as advertised: a girl, nude, doing yoga. But it looks like nothing else on yoga Instagram — or nudity Instagram, for that matter.

The account consists solely of dramatic black-and-white photos […]

Article: What a girl wants: The rise of porn for women

From the article:

One of the world’s most popular pornographic websites recently revealed that women make up a quarter of its global audience. Surprised? You shouldn’t be.

Men are more visually stimulated than women. Everybody knows that, right? That’s why they’ve enjoyed pornography, in its various guises, for centuries while women have not.

Sure, women like fashion and […]

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